What Does It Mean When You Have No Sex Drive?

The sex drive you have today may not be the same tomorrow—for better or worse.

Sex drive changes throughout the course of our lifetime, and its pattern often varies between men and women. If your desire for sexual intimacy is high now, it may decrease later.

And similarly, if you have a low sex drive now, it may improve with time. But what actually causes no sex drive, and is it a reason for concern? Read on to find out what it might mean if you’re not interested in sexual intimacy.

You’re Stressed

Life’s responsibilities can be demanding, and they may take a toll on your sex life.

It’s common for stress to put a stop to our sex drive, at least temporarily. And chronic stress and exhaustion can lead to longer bouts of no sex drive.

A lack of sex drive can also indicate other mental health issues, such as depression.

Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

Both men and women require certain hormones to feel in the mood, and when these are out of balance, it can lead to a dip in sex drive.

Low sex drive in women in particular can often be attributed to hormonal fluctuations. It’s common to experience low sex drive during menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and during other times of hormonal changes.

Click here to learn about hormone replacement therapy for women struggling with low sex drive.

You Have an Underlying Condition

Some medical conditions can cause a variety of unwanted symptoms, including a decrease in sexual desire.

In general, any condition that alters hormones or adds stress on the body may, understandably, trigger low sex drive. This can include conditions such as:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • thyroid disorders
  • arthritis
  • high blood pressure

While a deficient sex drive alone can’t diagnose these conditions, many people suffering with one of these conditions are later able to connect the dots and recognize that their physical state was the cause for their bedroom issues.

You Don’t Feel Comfortable

For many, sexual desire is reactionary, depending on the current environment and circumstances. And without feeling comfortable and relaxed, it’s no surprise that sex drive may shut down.

Relationship problems such as trust issues or regular conflict can make it more difficult to get in the mood. Similarly, sex drive may be low in the beginning stages of a relationship if familiarity and security haven’t been established.

Your Medications Need to Be Adjusted

Some medications may be responsible for sex drive issues. This includes some antidepressants, birth control pills, blood pressure medications, and other medicines.

If you notice a lack of sex drive after starting a new medication, your doctor may be able to make adjustments or find an alternative.

The Causes of No Sex Drive

Having no sex drive can be frustrating, and you may question if there’s something wrong with you. But there are a variety of causes, from short-term stress to serious medical conditions, that aren’t your fault.

Remember, sexual health is still an important part of your health overall. Talk to a doctor if you’re struggling with a lack of sexual desire to find the right solution for you.

For more advice on healthy living, read our other health articles!