Significance of Vitamin Supplements In Our Life Post Covid

Vitamins, along with some other nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc., play an essential role in our bodies’ growth and thrive. Yes, most of these indeed come from the foods we have daily. But, vitamin and supplement become essential as our body system need them in a small proportion. They make the growth and balance of our health system very effective.

The deficiency of vitamins in our body may increase the risk of developing specific health issues.

But, do you know what vitamin is? It is an organic compound, and it contains carbon. So, it helps in the reproduction of cells, most notably in processing energy among the cells.

Significance of Vitamins

Covid-19 has created a mess in many of our daily lives. Many people have lost their jobs, many of them have gone to the stage of depression. There is a massive price hike in many of our daily needs. It is not possible to have all kinds of foods that contain various vitamins. Here comes the role of vitamin supplements.

But, where can you find them? You don’t have to worry. There are various vitamin supplements stores around you. In this world of smartphones, you just need to search for them on Google. Or, you can buy them online. These vitamin stores will help you providing your required vitamin and supplements.

Post covid syndromes are very typical to many people. They are affected due to the deficiency of vitamins. Many people are facing weakness issues, headaches, fitness problems, etc. They should not wait and, of course, start taking vitamin supplements.

You will get many choices from vitamin stores online or any other vitamin supplement store near you. Covid is unavoidable, so we have to keep fighting with it. Therefore, we should maintain our health system and make our body fit & fine.

Different Types of Vitamins

These vitamins are of two types – fat-soluble & water-soluble.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body’s cells. You do not need to consume them as regularly as water-soluble vitamins. But, an adequate amount is essential. Liver and fat tissues are the primary locations of these vitamins within your body, to be released as needed.

Now, in the case of water-soluble vitamins, they travel freely through your body, and the kidneys usually excrete the excess amount. Water-soluble vitamins are a recurring need of the body. They are not as likely as fat-soluble vitamins to reach the toxicity level.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

1) Vitamin A – This helps for better vision, healthy skin, and mucous membranes. It also helps in the growth of bones and teeth. It makes the immune system of your health very proper.

2) Vitamin D – This vitamin is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium in your bones. It helps in the growth of stronger bones and muscles.

4) Vitamin K – This vitamin (phylloquinone & menaquinone) helps make prothrombin which plays an essential role in blood clotting. It collaborates with vitamin A to give you enhanced calcium, leading to healthy teeth and bones.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

1) Vitamin B1 – Also known as ‘thiamine’, Vitamin B1 works with similar B-group vitamins to convert carbohydrates to energy, which is later distributed in the brain, liver, muscles, and kidneys.

2) Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is also important for energy metabolism. This is an essential vitamin to make your vision normal and your skin very smooth.

3) Vitamin B3 – Your body needs this one (niacin) for keeping your nervous system regular. It also helps in controlling your digestive system. Vitamin B3 helps you repair DNA.

4) Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 will help you to regulate your mood and function. Vitamin B6 also plays a significant role in converting homocysteine.

5) Vitamin B12 – This vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is necessary to produce DNA. It helps to balance the functions of the brain in your body. This vitamin also helps in making new cells.

6) Vitamin C – This is one of the most essential vitamins you need in your body. It helps to make neurotransmitters, teeth, connective fibers, cartilage, bones, and collagen, among others. It secures your body from infections, maintaining resistance from foreign elements in your body. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant, and it takes a severe role in anti-cancer, anti-aging processes.

7) Folic Acid – This is an enzyme needed for making DNA and new cells, especially for the red blood cells. This helps reduce cardiovascular disease, dementia to bone fractures, chronic disease risk, and DNA damage, among others.

8) Pantothenic Acid – This is also a part of your enzyme system. Pantothenic acid will help you as a critical molecule in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

9) Biotin – You need this vitamin in your body for fat metabolism.

This is all you should know about the various vitamins. Depending on the lack or deficiency, you should buy those particular vitamin supplements from vitamin stores or order them from an online vitamin store. This is a tough time for the whole world. We should keep our bodies, our minds, our brains as relaxed and as tension-free as possible.

To Wrap it Up!

These vitamin supplements will help you in fulfilling all your basic needs. We know the phrase – “A sound mind in a sound body.” So, we must keep ourselves fit both physically and mentally. There is no time to waste. So, make sure that your body and your mind are fit enough for any duty. Live with a happy soul. Life is beautiful.