Keep These Foods Away From Your Cat!

Cats like milk, right? But most cats are lactose intolerant, and their body doesn’t secrete the enzyme that helps in the digestion of milk. So all cats won’t have problems digesting milk, but it is better not to take risks. Of course, we, humans, love our pets and sometimes we have the tendency to spoil them, but it is essential to remember that few foods can pose a more significant health risk and should always be kept away from your feline buddy.

Below mentioned are five foods that should always be kept away from cats:

  • Humans enjoy chocolate, but chocolates are very toxic to cats. Chocolates are made from cocoa, and cocoa has two ingredients, theobromine and caffeine, that can be highly toxic for cats. If cats ingest chocolate food items in large quantities, they will exhibit vomiting, diarrhoea, increased body temperature, rapid breathing or heart rate, seizures. If your pet shows any symptoms like these, immediately take your cat to the nearest veterinary hospital.
  • Keep raw meat, fish and egg whites away from your cat. It might feel weird because cats hunt, and their forefathers ate what they hunted. But, the meat and fish which are available in the pet shop may have dangerous E. coli and salmonella bacteria. That is why you cook the food first, because feeding raw meat and fish to your cat may cause diarrhoea. Also, it would help if you kept the egg whites away from your cat because it contains a protein called avidin, which can reduce the process of digestion for curial vitamins.
  • If you are a cat and dog parent at the same time, you also need to keep a check that your cat is not eating the dog’s food. Occasional nibbling on the dog food won’t harm your cat, but if they eat in large quantities, it can cause serious health problems because they are not getting the necessary nutrients from the dog food.
  • Keep raw bread away from your cat. These foods cause digestive problems, and your cat may get diarrhoea.
  • Allium family veggies can cause anaemia in cats. Raw, powdered, cooked and dehydrated forms of allium veggies pose a health risk for cats if they eat it. Garlic and Onions are a big no-no for cats and should be kept away at all costs.

Remember that cats are curious creatures. They love to investigate a little food that is within their reach. If you are not particular about the proper disposal of this food mentioned above, your pet cat might find a way to eat these food items.

Every pet parent loves their pets, and they will make sure that nothing can cause pain to their pets. But cats are curious and prone to health hazards. So the best way to keep your cat safe is to get pet insurance for cats. Cat insurance will be beneficial because sometimes eating the wrong food items may require extensive medical attention and be expensive.

Having pet insurance will help you focus on your cat’s recovery process and not worry about the money. If you already have pet insurance for dogs, that’s great. But, if you don’t have it, we’d suggest you get one soon.