How to Start a Car Accident Lawsuit

As good of a driver as you try to be, there’s always the chance of getting in a car accident. Believe it or not, there are more than five million car crashes yearly. Unfortunately, many of those crashes will lead to injury and death.

You need to do things right if you want to file a successful car accident lawsuit. Below is every step you need to take when filing a lawsuit for car accident injuries.

Find a Great Lawyer

A lawsuit is the last thing you want to go through on your own. It’s challenging enough to deal with simple legal cases. In an auto accident lawsuit, that complexity worsens and requires unique expertise to handle all the little details.

You need a great attorney to handle your auto accident case. See these car accident lawyers to learn about the type of representation you need to file a successful lawsuit.

Gather Evidence

You won’t see much success with your auto accident lawsuit if you don’t have evidence. You need all the information you can get when you file to prove you have a case.

You should have gathered this evidence at the accident scene if you were able. If you could not gather evidence because of an injury, reach out to as many people as possible who took part in the accident to gather all the evidence possible. This includes private parties and law enforcement.

File a Complaint

Filing a complaint is the first legal step of filing a lawsuit for a car accident case. This document will contain everything relevant to your case. It will include the time and date of the accident, the person responsible for the crash, and the evidence indicating that the defendant is responsible for taking care of the damages.

There is a limit to the amount of time you can file a complaint that depends on where you live. Learn what this limit is and ensure you don’t wait too long to file your lawsuit.

Serve The Complaint

You’re ready to serve the complaint once you finish filing your suit. A person on the receiving end of a lawsuit deserves to know who is filing the suit and what they’re getting accused of. You do this by using a qualified individual to deliever the complaint.

This process will inform the defendant of what will happen during the process and let them know that they need to prepare a defense. There is a deadline to complete this process, but that deadline can get extended if the defendant is challenging to track down.

Complete the Lawsuit

Once you serve the lawsuit and go through the discovery process, you’ll need to settle the lawsuit or go to trial. In many cases, you’re dealing with an insurance company. Insurance companies may be more likely to settle lawsuits instead of dragging things out in court.

Of course, that won’t always be the case. You may need to go to a courtroom and present your case to get a successful result from your lawsuit.

Don’t Skip a Step When Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit

You can’t afford to make a mistake when filing any type of lawsuit. It only takes one mistake to screw up your case, so you must handle everything correctly when you file a car accident lawsuit. Keep the steps above in mind to ensure you go through the process correctly.

Check out the blog to read more helpful tips that will help you navigate other problems in your life.