How Much Will It Cost to Hire a DUI Attorney?

Did you know that DUIs don’t only involve driving while drunk? A DUI or driving under the influence is driving while under the influence of an intoxicating substance. 

DUI sentences – and their variations – exist to keep drivers from operating while impaired. That said, getting a DUI is still serious business.

You can defend yourself in a court of law, but you might want to consider professional help. It’s probably in your best interest to seek a DUI attorney. 

Hiring a lawyer may help you alleviate wrongful charges and receive lighter sentences. There’s one problem, though; you have to pay for a DUI lawyer, and it’s not exactly cheap. 

Read on if you want to know what to do after a DUI and how much the associated fees will run you. 

What to Do After a DUI? 

It may sound like a bad idea, but you should take the breathalyzer test. You can actually receive criminal charges in most states if you refuse. Next, contact a DUI attorney. 

Using a general attorney is a terrible idea. DUI laws are complex and challenging to navigate. You want someone that can competently handle your case and the associated difficulties. 

After you’ve got your DUI lawyer, you need to prepare for your case. If you want to plead guilty, bring the requested documentation.

A not guilty plea will require more effort – you’ll need to work with your lawyer to gather information from the incident.

The final thing you should do is look into SR-22 car insurance. The point of SR-22 is to prove that you carry car insurance. 

How Much Is a DUI Attorney?

A DUI lawyer, on average, costs about two grand. You may pay as little as $700 for attorney fees or as much as over one grand. But these costs are for entering your plea. 

Going to trial is significantly more expensive. Costs can balloon upwards of $4000.

In some instances, going to trial is more than ten grand. The cost fluctuation is because every case varies. 

DUI attorneys charge either hourly or at a flat rate. An hourly charge may run about $300, but rates range from less than this to $500. The price depends on the location and the lawyer. 

The flat rate will cover your whole case. Most DUI lawyers offer payment plans but expect to pay at least three grand for the entirety of your trial.

If a lawyer offers this option, it’s likely because they thought they could avoid a long, drawn-out trial. You can consult if you want to know more about the DIY litigation process. 

Worried About Your DIY Charge? 

It’s in your best interest to hire a DUI attorney once charged. But hiring a lawyer is an expensive process. You can spend upwards of ten grand on a lawyer and accompanying fees. 

You’ve learned what to do after getting a DUI and how much a lawyer will cost, but is there anything else you’d like to know? We have plenty more on our website if you’d like more helpful articles.