Debunking the Most Common Physical and Mental Health Myths

According to the Harvard Health Blog, cancer is at the top of the list of health concerns while mental health is at the bottom. 

It’s important to stay informed about all health problems. This guide will discuss some of the common physical and mental health myths so you can be informed of the truth. Keep reading to learn more. 

Starving Can Lead to Rapid Weight Loss

Healthy living means you should work to maintain a healthy weight.

You’ve probably tried all kinds of diets and exercise routines to try to lose those extra pounds. While it might seem like a drastic cut in calories is the key to losing the weight you want, this can result in long-term weight gain. 

Any drastic change in your diet can harm your health. Make gradual changes and seek to eat a well-balanced diet so you can lose the weight you want. Check out Healthcare.Studio for more health tips like this one. 

You Need to Measure Your Water Intake 

You probably already know that to reach optimal health, you need to stay well hydrated. Increasing your intake of water is beneficial to your skin, hair, and organ health. 

While it’s vital to drink enough water, you don’t need to measure your intake of water each day. You should drink water when you’re thirsty. There are many foods rich in water that can help you get your daily requirement too. 

Deodorant Can Give You Cancer

Many people in the healthcare industry might believe your deodorant can lead you to develop breast cancer, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Many people claim that aluminum and parabens found in most common deodorants can seep into your skin and cause cancer. 

The research on this suggests that there’s no link between deodorant use and breast cancer. The substances found in most deodorants don’t affect your estrogen levels in any unhealthy way. 

Mental Illnesses Aren’t Common

Caring for your health and wellness means taking care of your mental health too. One of the most common myths about mental health is that it isn’t common. 

It’s important to know that mental health affects millions of people around the world. Busting this myth can help make the subject less taboo. Knowing you aren’t alone can also help you manage your mental health conditions. 

You Choose to Become an Addict

Another common mental health myth is that addiction is a choice you make. While you might have chosen to start using drugs or alcohol, addiction is not something you chose to have. 

Addiction changes your brain chemistry. Working through it is a complex process involving more than mere willpower. 

Physical and Mental Health Myths You Should Know 

There are many physical and mental health myths you should be aware of. You should know that it isn’t necessary to keep track of your water intake. You should also understand that mental illnesses are more common than you might think.