5 Pro Tips for Recovery After Your Facelift

There’s a reason why over 100,000 facelift procedures are performed each year. This procedure is one of the best ways to revert one of the most common signs of aging. Unfortunately, getting a facelift isn’t all sunshine and butterflies.

The reality is that the recovery from the procedure can be pretty uncomfortable. That’s why it’s important to do everything that you can to help smooth your recovery. Luckily, we made this article for you.

In it, we’ll go over some pro tips for recovering after your facelift is complete. That way, you can start enjoying the results of the procedure as soon as possible. Let’s get started!

What to Expect After the Procedure

Before we dive into recovery tips, let’s go over a few things that you should expect after the procedure. First things first, you should prepare yourself to look worse before you ever look better.

This is from all of the bruising and swelling that accompanies this procedure. Immediately following the surgery you will have bandages wrapped around your entire head. These can feel tight, but there’s meant to apply pressure to help with the swelling.

It’s important to keep them on for as long as your doctor recommends, which is typically one day after the surgery. Once the bandages come off, then you can take a shower and shampoo your hair.

During the recovery period, you mustn’t exert any physical influence for at least a week. Additionally, you shouldn’t work out or exert heavy influence for at least two weeks. Here are some of the things you should avoid after the procedure:

  • Leafy greens
  • Garlic
  • Vitamin E supplements
  • Any over-the-counter pain medication

Finally, it will take months for the swelling and tightness feeling to fully go away. So, don’t be upset if your facelift isn’t immediately attractive. It will take some time.

Facelift Recovery Tip #1: Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

Your doctor will send you home with a written list for post-operation care. This is not a suggestion list.

As such, you must read it in its entirety. Failure to do so could end up in poor facelift results, or worse, infection. The list should include things like:

  • What medications you should take
  • Foods to eat and ones to avoid
  • Whether or not you can exercise (don’t for at least two weeks)
  • Rules for consuming alcohol and smoking
  • How to take off the bandages
  • How to take a shower
  • Tips for minimizing swelling

All of this can seem like a lot to keep track of. But it’s important to follow it regardless. Those who stick to the instructions are most likely to have the smoothest recovery possible. As such, you’ll be thankful in the long run.

Facelift Recovery Tip #2: Prepare a Recovery Space

The first few days of facelift recovery are often the most crucial. As such, you want to make sure that you choose a space that’s both comfortable and quiet.

Ideally, it should be away from busy parts of the house, anywhere with kids, pets, or other distractions. In some cases, your living room or bedroom could be too busy of space for recovery.

If you fall in this category, then consider renting a hotel room for a few nights. This will give you all the peace that you require during those first few days.

Facelift Recovery Tip #3: Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back is an important part of facelift recovery. It helps keep your head elevating and ensures that the stitches aren’t messed with during sleep.

However, did you know that it’s also an important part of sleeping after a facelift? The reality is that if you sleep on your stomach or sides following a facelift, then you can quickly degrade any improvement that was made with the procedure.

As such, we recommend getting into the habit of sleeping on your back if you want to preserve the progress.

Facelift Recovery Tip #4: Pick Up Prescription Ahead of Time

No one wants to wait in line at a pharmacy after getting facial surgery. As such, make sure that you pick up any pain or antibiotic medications a few days before the surgery.

That way, you can get home immediately and start recovering without worrying about going to pick them up.

Facelift Recovery Tip #5: Consider Hiring a Babysitter

If you have children to care for or even pets, then you should hire someone to take care of them for the next few days. The reality is that you will be in no shape to parent. There will be quite a bit of pain and loud children can certainly disrupt the healing process.

Plus, you won’t be able to pick up anything heavy for a few weeks. All of these factors can make parenting quite difficult. Ideally, you’ll have a partner that can look after them. But, if not, then you will need to hire someone.

When Should You Call for Help?

There are some scenarios when you should immediately call for emergency services. This includes if you lose consciousness, are having trouble breathing, coughing up blood, or experience sudden chest pain.

Anything else and you should call up your doctor, or a nurse that works for your doctor. Keep an eye out for signs of infection. This includes increased pain, bright redness around the incision, or pus coming from the incision.

You should also call the doctor if you notice loose stitches, bleeding, pain that doesn’t go away with medication, or a fever.

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We hope this article helped you learn some valuable tips for recovering after your facelift. At the end of the day, the most important thing that you can do is follow your doctor’s instructions. And, if you need it, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

You’ll likely be unavailable for work or other responsibilities over the next few days or weeks. As such, don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help covering any tasks.

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