Is Drinking a Sin? What the Bible Says About Alcohol

There are some Biblical scholars who say that people drank wine in Biblical times because the alcohol would kill the harmful bacteria in the often polluted water of the Middle East. 

So…the answer to these questions, “Is alcohol in the Bible? Is drinking in the Bible?” is Yes! 

While some Christian denominations advise against drinking alcohol, there are others that are fine with it. What’s the real story? Is it bad to drink alcohol? 

Is there anything in the Bible against drinking alcohol? Is drinking a sin? Keep reading to learn more. 

According to the Bible, Alcohol is a Blessing From God 

People may wonder, “Is alcohol a sin?” but if you read the Old Testament you’ll find many instances that demonstrate how alcohol is viewed as a blessing from God. In Deuteronomy, it says just that and a few chapters later it says having no wine is a curse. 

And who can forget the story of Jesus’ first miracle…turning water into wine at a wedding? 

The Bible Warns About the Abuse of Alcohol

Is getting drunk a sin? 

This question carries the notion a little bit further. Drinking alcohol socially is not a sin, but what about getting drunk? The Bible warns against the damage alcohol can do when it’s abused or when one is addicted to it. 

Ephesians 5:6 says that drunkenness is a sin especially when someone’s ability to think and use good judgment is affected. 

Satan or demons may tempt you to consume too much alcohol in a way that hurts yourself or others. The question that comes up quite often when talking about satan, demons, or deliverance is Who is Beelzebub? Learn more at

The Gospel Takes Precedent 

If the consumption of alcohol gets in the way of spreading the Gospel, then it should be avoided. In certain cultures and countries around the world, drinking would prohibit the spread of the Gospel.

For example, if you went to another country as a missionary and went against local laws that prohibit drinking, you’d be exiled and unable to spread the Gospel as you intended. 

Consider the People Around You 

How does alcohol consumption affect the people in your community? The people around you are more important than your personal freedom as it pertains to drinking. Be considerate of others’ struggles. 

What’s The Verdict: Is Drinking a Sin? 

Have you always wondered, “Is drinking a sin?”

Now you know that there is nothing in the Bible that claims that drinking is a sin. So…next time someone tries to tell you that it is, know that it comes from a good place, but what they really mean is abusing alcohol or replacing God with drinking excessively is not moral and should be avoided. 

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