Menstruation is one of the important body processes occurring inside a woman’s body. However, this experience is extremely variable and is as different as women themselves are. From menstrual bleeding to abdominal cramps, all these experiences define menstruation for women.
Menstruations- Every woman has got a story to tell!
Some women experience nearly pain-free periods and bear through these without too much effort. However, for many others, periods can be quite painful and the terrible time of the month. What makes your periods like this? Is it your diet? Your hormones? Physical activity or anything else?
Well, the answer is pretty simple, everything counts and makes it a unique experience for every female around the globe. However, your hormones are the key players, according to the best gynecologist in Islamabad.
Dos and Don’ts of menstruation
No matter what your period is like, certain standard practices can make it a trouble-free experience. Want to know more about the dos and don’ts of menstruation? Read further!
Dos of menstruation
1- Take rest
Every woman on her periods can surely relate to the fact that how restless and low she can feel. This comes as no surprise because, during periods, female hormones are at their lowest that can make them feel down alongside a weakened immune system. So, to boost your body function, it is recommended to have sufficient rest. It can save you from terrible periods and help your body perform better.
2- Do some workout
This may sound weird because the popular opinion discourages any kind of physical activity while you are on your periods. Contrary to that, doing a workout during your periods can help to relax your muscles, reducing period pain and relieving cramps.
3- Consume the right foods
Clean eating is one of the most talked-about health advice and this especially becomes when you are suffering from any health trouble. Menstruation is another such thing!
Your doctor must have told you that you need to eat clean during your periods but you have taken that for granted. Let me explain why it is important. Certain foods can help to reduce periods of cramps as well as regulate the blood flow during your periods. So, no matter if you are on your periods or not, try to eat nutritionally sufficient food to stay healthy.
4- Monitor your menstrual health
Most of the female reproductive health problems have an initial common indicator that is your menstrual cycle. Missed, unregulated, heavy or low periods, all can be the potential warning signs of reproductive health problems coming your way. Thus, for any female, it is important to keep track of their periods and monitor how their menstrual health is changing and reach out to the right physician timely.
Don’ts of menstruation
1- Not changing your sanitary pads
You will be surprised to know that most of the infections during menstruation come from poor menstrual hygiene. A part of menstrual hygiene is changing your sanitary pads every 6-8 hours to avoid any infection.
2- Don’t overuse painkillers
Period’s pain is natural and pretty normal. However, there is an increasing trend among women that can affect their body health with a greater magnitude. Overuse of painkillers during your periods can be quite problematic thus, it is important to avoid it. A better practice to kill period’s cramps is to use a heating pad that offers no harmful side effects.
3- Don’t miss your daily shower
It is commonly believed that taking shower during your periods can be harmful to your reproductive health and can increase blood flow. However, this claim isn’t supported by any studies. So, it is important to not miss your daily shower during your periods to ensure good menstrual hygiene and avoid infections.
4- Don’t cater for your cravings
It is normal to experience cravings while you are menstruating, however, it isn’t always necessary to do so. You might crave junk that is ultimately harmful to your health and disrupt your menstrual cycle. Thus it is recommended to not cater to all your cravings to protect your health in the long run.
Bottom Line!
Menstruation is a normal mechanism that female bodies go through. However, the experience can be different for every woman on the planet. It is recommended to follow the dos and don’ts of menstruation to protect your reproductive health.
However, if you experience any problem related to the duration, occurrence and severity of menstruation, it is recommended to seek out help from the gynecologist.